

Bowmore is Islay's oldest distillery and is home to the world's oldest whiskey aging warehouse, Vault No. 1.

Bowmore is Islay's oldest distillery and is home to the world's oldest whiskey aging warehouse, Vault No. 1. In this legendary warehouse, whiskey has been thoroughly aged by our main distillers for almost 240 years.

The first recorded mention of the distillery dates back to 1779, but speak kindly to a few of the older islanders, and they may whisper a rumor or two that the distillation began here much longer ago.

Surely the founder of Bowmore, the merchant David Simpson, bought the land in 1766. Exactly what happened in the years between them, one can guess!

In terms of whiskey heritage, Bowmore Distillery is unrivaled. We continue to pass on the traditions, skills and expertise created in the earliest days of Scotch whiskey.

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