El Jimador
Необходими са години, за да се постигне високото качество на el Jimador. Ние се грижим за добива и за събирането на синьото агаве Weber, от което се произвежда нашата текила. “Сърце и душа”! Ето какво е необходимо, за да се заслужи името el Jimador, а това не е никак лесно.
In the field, we are a group of dedicated himadors who carefully harvest each plant. We choose by eye which of the plants are ready for processing and which should be left for tomorrow. Our passion is what makes the difference between el Jimador and all other tequilas. Devotion, spirit and attention to every detail go into every drop of tequila we produce. This is the reason for its high quality.
The root of our tequila can be found in the sun-kissed soil of our historic hacienda. Here in Amatitan, Jalisco, every drop of tequila we make begins its life. Here we learn, cultivate and improve the skills needed to create our world-famous tequila. No added flavors, no added colors, only 100% pure Weber blue agave tequila, born of our determination and will.