Milagro Tequila
Milagro Tequila's story began in 1998 with two college friends, Danny Schneweis and My Guindi. Danny and Moy saw amazing things in Mexico City. Everywhere around them they see international sophistication, youthful energy and passionate creativity. Everywhere except tequila. Tequilas have become one-dimensional caricatures of tradition or calculated business ventures driven by celebrities devoid of creativity and truth. Danny and Moy wanted tequila to connect two worlds - the deep-rooted integrity of traditional tequila and the vibrant, creative culture of modern Mexico City.
For Pedro, our Master Distiller, creating modern tequila did not mean abandoning tradition, but using it to the fullest - starting with the agave itself. He insists on using 100% blue agave, harvested only in Jalisco Highlands, where the world's finest and sweetest blue agave is grown. To extract all the nuances of this precious agave scent, Pedro used centuries-old cooking methods. He uses traditional brick ovens to slowly bake his agave pins for 36 hours. This is the way to extract the best taste from the ingredients. Once the pins are slowly baked, they are grated and pressed to extract the sweet agave juice. This juice is then placed in stainless steel tanks, where the sugar is converted to alcohol. Half science, half art The fermentation process is closely monitored by our tequila artist Pedro.
Most tequilas are distilled using one type of distillate - for Milagro Pedro uses two completely different types of distillates. First in a cauldron that keeps alive the appetizing taste of agave. The column distiller then smooths and completes the drink, which is comparable to the best white spirits in the world. This new way of making tequila that Pedro had been testing and perfecting in his head for years. When Danny and Moy tried it, they enthusiastically proclaimed "¡Es un Milagro!" (It's a miracle!)
Tequila gets better over time. All tequilas from the Reposado and Anejo series must be aged. And unlike most tequila producers who don't let silver tequila mature, Milagro also lets the Select Barrel Reserve Silver series mature. Each element of Milagro proudly reflects Danny and Moy's vision of tequila, which embodies the creativity and self-expression of modern Mexico. Our bottles for the Select Barrel series are handmade to resemble the agave plant. The company continues to collaborate with artists from Mexico City to create graffiti and other marketing communications for their tequila.