Beaujolais Villages Nouveau 2024, Albert Bichot 0.75

Brand: Albert Bichot
Country of origin: France
Region: Burgundy
Place: Beaujolais
Packaging: 0.75 l

Price 22.00 лв.



Традицията Божоле във Франция и в цяла Европа повелява всеки трети Четвъртък на месец ноември на пазара да излезе новото младо вино от сорта Гаме, район Божоле (част от Бургундия).
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The Beaujolais tradition in France and throughout Europe dictates that a new young wine from the Game variety, the Beaujolais region (part of Burgundy), be released on the market every third Thursday in November.
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Variety: Game
Color: Deep garnet color with ruby hues.
Aroma and Taste: Floral aromas (violet) and fruits (raspberry, blueberry). The taste is very fresh with soft tannins and distinctive fruity notes.
Maturation: Does not mature.
Recommended Serving Temperature: 14°-16° С

Food pairing

Roast beef, chicken and cheese pasta...

We recommend enjoying this young wine paired with cheese pasta, roast beef, chicken or pork sausages.



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