Gin Votanikon 0.7
Price 43.99 лв.
Nose: A bouquet of Greek spices and herbs - fresh nuances of juniper and mastiha, sage, chamomile.
Taste: A unique feeling of freshness, full-bodied flavours and fresh citrus notes.
Aftertaste: Lingering and memorable finish.
Enjoy Votanikon Gin in the classic gin and tonic. Mix it with a high quality tonic and garnish the Greek way - with 3 green olives!
"If you want to make gin, then Earth is the perfect place to do it. All the herbs to make gin special and uniquely delicious can be found here." Following this unconditional truth, the creators of Votanikon Gin discovered the bouquet of plants and herbs needed for their premium drink in warm Greece.
20 билки, събирали слънчеви лъчи по високите планини и крайбрежните места на Гърция, са прекрасно смесени в джина. Сред тях се откриват хвойна, босилек, шафран, градински чай, лайка, мастиха. Насладете се на вкуса на джина и си подарете истинско пътешествие из непознатите кътчета на Гърция.
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