The Rose and its many faces

The Rosé, contrary to popular belief and assumption, does not occur when mixing white and red wine. It is produced by the technology of white wine, but from red grapes. Its color comes from the short […]

Basic tasting terms: Aroma or nose

When it comes to wine, you'll inevitably hear people around you talking about 'tasting'. Why the wine is tasted and how this process can enrich us with, you'll find out in our series of posts […]

Sauvignon Blanc: Everybody's darling?

There is hardly a wine lover, who does not know what the taste and the aromatic profile of Sauvignon Blanc is. Almost synonymous with White wine in Bulgaria due to its distribution and the marketing strategies, mainly the wines from […]

How to store wine?

As you can understand from our article about the price of the wine –, its buying is not just about satisfying the connoisseur's taste, but also an investment activity. The wine is one of the few goods […]

VIDA Knowledge: Low- and Non-Alcoholic Wine

The interest of the consumers for low and no-alcoholic products has risen over the past years, especially as part of the bigger campagnies for healthier lifestyle around the world. Events such as Sober for October […]