Blaufränkisch Eisenberg Organic 2018, Straka 0.75Price 35.99 лв.Brand: StrakaCountry of origin: AustriaRegion: BurgenlandPlace: DeutschkreuzСорт грозде: BlaufränkischVintage: 2018Packaging: 0.75 lABV: 12.50%
Blaufrankisch Heideboden 2018, Gernot Leitner 0.75Price 25.00 лв.Brand: Gernot LeitnerCountry of origin: AustriaRegion: BurgenlandPackaging: 0.75ABV: 14
Blaufrankisch Karpatenschiefer 2019, Johannes Trapl 0.75Price 40.00 лв.Brand: Johannes TraplCountry of origin: AustriaRegion: CarnuntumPackaging: 0.75ABV: 12
Blaufrankisch Karpatenschiefer Organic 2018, Johannes Trapl 0.75Price 40.00 лв.Brand: Johannes TraplCountry of origin: AustriaRegion: CarnuntumСорт грозде: BlaufränkischVintage: 2018Packaging: 0.75 lABV: 12.50%
Blaufränkisch Organic 2019, Straka 0.75Price 25.99 лв.Brand: StrakaCountry of origin: AustriaRegion: BurgenlandPlace: АйсенбергСорт грозде: BlaufränkischVintage: 2019Packaging: 0.75 lABV: 12.50%
Blaufränkisch Roter Schotter 2018, Strehn 0.75Price 56.99 лв.Brand: StrehnCountry of origin: AustriaRegion: MittelburgenlandPlace: DeutschkreuzСорт грозде: BlaufränkischVintage: 2018Packaging: 0.75 lABV: 13.50%
Blaufrankisch Ungerberg 2017, Gernot Leitner 0.75Price 53.99 лв.Brand: Gernot LeitnerCountry of origin: AustriaRegion: BurgenlandVintage: 2017Packaging: 0.75ABV: 14
Bodega Numanthia 2011 0.75Price 124.90 лв.Brand: Bodega NumanthiaCountry of origin: SpainRegion: ТороPackaging: 0.75 lVintage: 2011
Bolgheri DOC Superiore 2018, Tenuta Argentiera 0.75Price 226.00 лв.Brand: Tenuta ArgentieraCountry of origin: ItalyRegion: TuscanyPackaging: 0.75ABV: 14
Bononiа estate, Врачански мискет 0.75Price 34.99 лв.Brand: Bononia EstateCountry of origin: BulgariaRegion: Danube PlainVintage: 2023Packaging: 0.75 lABV: 13%
Botanicals Botanicals Blush Rose, Wild Life 0.5% ABV 0.75Price 34.00 лв.Brand: Wild Life BotanicalsCountry of origin: Great BritainСорт грозде: Pinot noir / SpätburgunderVintage: NVPackaging: 0.75 lABV: 0.50%
Botanicals Botanicals Nudе, Wild Life 0.5% ABV 0.75Price 34.00 лв.Brand: Wild Life BotanicalsCountry of origin: Great BritainСорт грозде: Pinot noir / SpätburgunderVintage: NVPackaging: 0.75 lABV: 0.50%