HINAПSKA Vodka Excellence 0.7

Country of origin: Bulgaria
Packaging: 0.5 l
ABV: 40%

Price 29.99 BGN

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HINAPSKA vodka is the first naturally flavoured vodka with jujube. For its preparation is used jujube fully grown in the gardens of HINAPSKA in the Teteven village of Glozhene, which is dried naturally in the sun. High quality Lux grade wheat ethyl alcohol is added to it, which has undergone a 5-stage column distillation to achieve the desired mildness of flavour.

The thick-walled and solid French bottle of the product impresses with its elegance. The beautiful look is complemented by a specially branded stopper with the inscription HINAPSKA, which has a cork head of the highest quality "Extra". The bottle label combines beautifully different effects such as metallic, matt and lacquer coating for partial relief of its elements. Each bottle produced has a unique number marked on the back label.

Color: A light and delicate straw hue coming from the natural jujube content.

Aroma: The nose opens after aeration and offers subtle, balanced, natural aromas of jujube and spice.

Taste: Mild, pleasant and balanced, with a fresh aftertaste of jujube.



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