Villa Melnik
Melnik and "wine" are two words, which almost always go together. The smallest town in Bulgaria, with less than 200 citizens, is famous for its winemaking traditions. There is hardly a family in the region that is not involved in this field in some way. Each family has its own vineyards and produces even small quantities of the drink of the gods. This is how the Melnik winery began. Today the winery is one of the most recognizable brands in the country.
Повече за Вила Мелник
Although founded in 2013, Villa Melnik is based on centuries-old family traditions. Documents from the personal archives of the owner, Nikola Zikatanov, show that his family has been involved in winemaking since 200 years ago. He decided to return to his roots and revived the family craft. The company quickly succeeded in establishing itself in a competitive market and attracting the attention of connoisseurs. Dozens of its wines have won awards at international wine shows.

Във Вила „Мелник“ залагат предимно на местни, но смело експериментират и с купажи от други български и световни сортове. Във всяка комбинация най-важно за семейство Зикатанови е да се запази подчертано мелнишкия характер на напитките.
The cellar

Виното отлежава в бъчви, разположени в тунели, прокопани в пясъчния хълм, където се поддържа естествена равномерна температура и ниска влажност.

Въздухът и почвата тук са изключително чисти. На практика няма замърсители - наоколо липсват индустриални предприятия, а районът е изключително слабо населен.