Malvasija Artwork 2020, Kristancic 0.75

Country of origin: Slovenia
Region: Goriška Brda
Packaging: 0.75
ABV: 13

Price 49.99 лв.



The winery is located in the Goriška Brda region, the Slovenian counterpart of Tuscany, famous for its elegant white wines of the Rebula variety and for its orange wines. Located in the far west of Slovenia, the winery is in a remote area surrounded by mountain ranges to the east and north, with a single road from Nova Goritsa. To get there, you have to drive a few kilometres through Italy before you end up on the other side of Slovenia! With its orchids, cypresses and vineyards, Kristancic is a beautiful place to visit. The underlying philosophy of the wines is to reveal a connection with nature, and the distinctive peacock motif first appeared in 1990 to reflect this modern-traditional approach. The peacock, showing its colourful tail, is just one aspect of the vast beauty of nature that carries within it power and purpose. The winery's wines are not only complex, but feature a rich, heady symphony of flavor and aroma created by the human ideas that guide the ages of natural evolution. They are the result of life experience, hard work, years of experience and extensive knowledge.

В линията Artwork всички вина се произвеждат чрез многодневна мацерация. При тази малвазия това отнема почти три седмици, но с подбрани дрожди и при контролирана температура. В същото време е извършена и частична малалактична ферментация. След това виното отлежава в 225 л дъбови бъчви в продължение на две години, включително някои нови. Резултатът е вино с наситен златистожълт цвят, маслена текстура, богат мирис, в устата с характер на карамел, ванилия. Чисто, без летливи киселини или окислителни нотки. С дълъг послевкус.



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